NISP is a certification for individual solar parks projects.
The tool guides a solar park developer, together with Leafteasers expert advisers, through the process of developing a NISP – through 5 phases and 3 themes.
1. Inventory
Identify stakeholders
Area research
Formulate goals
2. Design
Draft design plan
3. Detailing
Detailed plan
Plan maintenance
4. Realisation
Work preparation
Ecologically considerate construction
5. Stewardship
Carrying out maintenance and end-of-life considerations
3 main themes
Provides measures to boost biodiversity, including types of refuge areas and vegetation structures.
Regards the positioning of technical and ecosystem aspects and spatial integration matters.
Includes technical component checklists, plus security and safety measures.
Nature Inclusive Solar Services together with Kiwa have a mission to boost the quality and redefine the purpose of solar park developments. This is important now more than ever. Want to learn why? Click below.
Key considerations
Stakeholders, Safety and Legal aspects:
These are really key considerations in solar park development. That is why these aspects are interwoven in the themes and phases of the NISP management tool.
Free preview of our tool!
You can download a preview of the NISP management tool for free!
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